The Proposal

Will you marry me?

[This Is It]
We both knew after our first date that this was it. When he dropped me off at home, he looked at me and in the most serious way said, “I know what I’m looking for and you’re it.” By early November, he asked to be exclusive and I secretly started calling him my future husband to friends and family.

November 13, 2021 – Joking around at work.

Every fancy date, big event or trip we would take, I would anticipate a proposal. The surprise he for me on my birthday trip while in Costa Rica? On a blowout trip to Vegas during dinner at a Michelin Star restaurant? By this time we were already talking about our future - if we wanted kids, what we wanted the wedding to be like, career goals and house-buying. It was no longer just a cute joke that Brandon would be my future husband, it was a matter of time.

Around this time, my mom‘s tone changed, basically overnight. She began to seriously talk to me about wedding design and seemed to have a more grounded sense about our relationship. I had a feeling that she and Brandon had talked about a proposal, but I couldn’t be certain. 

June 24, 2022 – During the traditional ‘Garter Toss’ at my best friend’s wedding, her husband surprised everyone by walking right up to Brandon and stuffing the garter into his pocket instead!

[Is It Happening!?]
In late July, we planned to drive to the beach for the night, something we did somewhat frequently. I thought to myself that this would be the best time since Galveston was a sentimental place for us both. As I tried to not get my hopes up that the proposal would happen, I couldn’t help but notice the clues.

First, Brandon was insistent that we get to the beach that night. I explained this away by the fact that it was his only night off. When we stopped at the gas station to get waters, he almost begged me to come in with him for the company. I figured he was just really excited to be together and wanted to pick out snacks. Finally, when we get to the beach, he reaches into the center console to get something. I convinced myself that he must’ve been getting his vape.

It’s dark at this point. I’m excited and can sense Brandon’s angst. We start our walk along the beach. When we’re a short distance from the car he begins to slow his steps. I feel he’s gearing up for something and I’m getting increasingly anxious. He mumbles something like I guess now is as good as any as he turns towards me. I excitedly respond “Oh my god is it happening!?”and then in a split second of awareness I realize he’s not on his knee yet so immediately say “Never mind!!”. Both flustered, he doesn’t hear me and keeps talking as he takes my hands and drops to one knee.

I’m completely overwhelmed. I can’t remember any of the sweet things that he says but he holds out a small box and opens it. Even though its dark, I see a sparkle. He asks me to marry him. I’m frozen, crying, laughing, stuck in the surreal feeling of it all.

Before heading back to the car, we stand on the beach hugging and letting it sink in. The ring fits perfectly and is beautiful. I send pictures to my friends and family and call my parents.

One year, six months and twenty-seven days later we would get married in the same location. 

Up next… Engagement Party